Apologies for those who may be looking for X100 image samples. Originally this gallery contained images I shot with a pre-production sample camera with version 1.0 firmware loaded, the final version the first cameras have started to ship with. Unfortunately there was some miscommunication between reps back at Fujifilm Canada as far as allowing me to post images. Since the X100 I used still was "beta" hardware and had a non-final version of the CMOS sensor, as well as a lens that did not have its anti-reflection coatings finalized, it was unfortunately decided that I should pull the gallery, which I have now done at Fujifilm's request.
In its place, so that people don't follow a dead link, I have posted the images I took, not with, but of an even earlier sample camera a few weeks back. These shots were taken with another Fuji of mine, a FinePix S100fs.
Rest assured that once I get my own camera (yes I am buying one), or if I am somehow able to shoot with a version that Fujifilm will allow me to post samples from, I will be posting an extensive samples gallery.