This is the gallery accompanying my blog posting of the same name. Each photo has two groups of seven shots, with the aperture set to 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.8 and 4, where one set is from the regular Fujinon XF 56mm f/1.2R lens and the other from the XF 56mm f/1.2R APD. Full metadata is visible when you click on a thumbnail, and under the enlarged image, you'll see a link to open a 2400 pixel wide version in a new window (which you can then download) so you can make closer comparisons yourself. The filenames of these images also reflect the lens, the f-stop and the group name of each photo.
The photos are arranged in side-by-side pairs, so the first two of each group are both at f/1.2, with the regular 56mm first, then the 56mm APD, the next two at f/1.4 and so on. This allows you to use the arrow keys on your keyboard to smoothly switch between the same f-stop on the regular 56mm and on the APD, to more easily see the subtle differences. See the blog posting for more technical details (the -back to post- link above)...