On a beautiful summer Wednesday at just after 7pm, before one of Vancouver's annual Celebration of Light fireworks evenings, the Canadian Forces Snowbirds aerobatics team put on a show over Vancouver and English Bay for about a half hour. They flew in an impressively tight formation much of the time in such an absolutely flawless fashion, that one could imagine them somehow connected by an invisible structure. In a lucky shot (photo 17), a Canada goose seemingly hurries after them "... hey, wait for me!"
Later on, Team Sweden put on a very nice fireworks display, with several teaser bursts (photos 27-29) appearing in the half hour before the main show started at 10pm. Afterwards, all the boats streaming back from English Bay made for some interesting longer expsoures and the last shot shows some colourful squiggles as a group of brightly lit up kayaks made their way back up False Creek...